Just Poem’s brings you poems in a timely and untimely fashion!
This exercise extrapolates the work started in the AI within Art project and builds upon the idea in the book Answers to Love, Life, and Leadership in an AI-driven World. Version 0.5 of the book only included poems written by a human.
Få Ser Själen Din
Få ser själen din
Den verkliga du
Också då det finns bara sorg och ingen tur
Som vill dela sin tid med dig i dina värsta stunder
Inte bara då man får beundra världens under
Gå med dig jag vill, fast allt i livet bara blixtrar och dundrar
I livet finns det alltid storm, men att dela det med andra gör livet värt att vandra.
If you are fond of using AI for translations to make the world more accessible and inclusive, here are the English and Finnish versions.
Few See Your Soul
Few see your soul, The real you whole, Even when there’s sorrow, no luck at all, Who’ll stand with you through shadows’ fall.
Not only in wonder, on days that glow, But beside you in life’s thunder and snow. Life holds storms, both grand and small— Yet shared with others, it’s worth it all.
Vain Harva näkee sielusi näin
Vain harva näkee sielusi näin, Sen todellisen sinut, ei vaan kiiltävin päin, Kun suru vie onnen, ja tuurin pois, Ken kanssasi jakaa tuskan vois?
Ei vain silloin, kun maailma hehkuu, Vaan rinnallas seisoo, vaikka myrsky leimuaa. Elämässä myrskyjä riittää aina, Mutta yhdessä kulkien—se on vaivan arvoinen taival.
The Finnish is awful. It doesn’t rhyme, and I even had to fix some letters, as it got it grammatically wrong. I agree with Nalle Wahlroos, who said in the podcast referenced in Just Thoughts Podcast #6, that writing poetry in Finnish is challenging.
Shout out to Timo Ahopelto. Your poetry is getting better every week. (I reviewed your past poetry work in Just Thoughts #6.)
Here’s a coal painting to accompany the poem, created by DaLL-E, in Chat G-PoeT.
Do you know Timo? Please help me pay my respects to his work by sending this to him. I heard he has 75,000+ unread emails. I think it takes some work to cut through the noise 😅📝
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