Just Poem’s brings you poems weekly!
This exercise extrapolates the work started in the AI within Art project and builds upon the idea in the book Answers to Love, Life, and Leadership in an AI-driven World. Version 0.5 of the book only included poems written by a human.
Today may be a very sad or a very happy day in human history. Let’s hope it’s the latter. Here’s a poem for pushing limits for the right reasons.
Att leva på livets gränser
Få blommor blommar som blommorna på blomsterängar.
Få människor blomstrar som människorna som lever på livets gränser.
Pressa för att blomstra, men pressa ei bara för att prestera.
Pressa för vi alla förtjänar att bli vårt bästa.
Chat G Poet hit us with the English version.
To live at the edge of life
Few flowers bloom as those on springtime meadows bright, Few souls thrive fully on the edge of life’s vast height.
Press on, to blossom, not just to impress, Push forth, for each of us deserves our best.
To show we can switch translation roles, here’s one of my English ones from the Archive translated into Swedish.
Making Decisions
It’s ok to be sad after making the right decision Right doesn’t always come with relief Wrong doesn’t always come with grief
Att Fatta Beslut
Det är okej att vara ledsen efter att ha fattat rätt beslut. Rätt kommer inte alltid med lättnad, fel kommer inte alltid med sorg.
Here are two pictures, one with Dall-E and the other with Substack’s image generator: a closeup of a realistic eye in tears
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